Latest update fixed. settings bug but my every artists repeats like 10 times in a row
So picture this
Blink 182
Blink 182
Blink 182
Blink 182
Boys like Girls
Boys like Girls
Boys like Girls
Vision and Valor
Vision and Valor
Vision and Valor
Vision and Valor
Which is effin annoying...
The title pretty much defines everything that is wrong with this app. I bought this app with high hopes before the official Google Music App was released and honestly at first everything worked fine but the app is just a bundle of bugs. It only works half time for some songs and mostly on none. When something gets fixed another thing breaks.
Its overall garbage at this point. Updates are hit or miss and contacting him usually leads to him saying to reinstall the app which sometimes fixes the issues but Id be mad if I downloaded music on the app cause youd have to redownload them.
itslino XBOX/GAMELOFT/STEAM/PS about gMusic